
Lavinia Xausa, Rotterdam (NL) — Art Video, Virtual Installation, Installation


Sound Design; Composition; Recording; Mixing; Mastering

Still from: Lavinia Xausa - Cult!

> "When you jump from a cliff for the first time and the water embraces you, or when you shout in a sea of hundreds of people, and your voice becomes one with the others, you feel that everything is possible when you belong to a family who supports you. There is no fear or mistake when we are all together." <


Cult! is an audiovisual project exploring the phenomenon of the ultras under the lens of the concept of cult.



2020 // Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda, Roodkapje, Rotterdam (NL)

2020 // Covid Room, Online


2020 // Blind spot, Roodkapje, Rotterdam (NL)

Video and installation

2020 // Through the looking glass, Garage Rotterdam, Rotterdam (NL)